Topics of classes and the guidelines with a list of sources

1) Acute Kidney Injury – Special Considerations

All students should be familiar with the basic problems connected with acute kidney injury.

A student has to prepare the presentation: Acute kidney injury – special considerations.

Source of knowledge:



The presentation should consist of:

1. Contrast-induced nephropathy (CIN)

    - definition

    - pathophysiology

    - risk factors

    - prevention

  a. Nonpharmacologic prevention strategies

  b. Pharmacologic prevention strategies – drugs with doses!

2. Acute phosphate nephropathy

    - definition

    - risk factors

    - prevention

    - treatment

3. Warfarin-related nephropathy (WRN)

4. Abdominal compartment syndrome (ACS)

    - definition

    - primary and secondary causes

5. Hepatorenal syndrome (HRS)

    - types, definitions

    - patogenesis

    - diagnostics criteria

    - treatment

  a. Nonpharmacologic therapy

  b. Pharmacologic and invasive therapies - drugs with doses!

6. Acute renal cortical necrosis (ARCN)

    - causes

    - triad of symptoms

    - diagnosis

    - prognosis

    - treatment


2) Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)

All students should be familiar with the basic problems connected with UTIs.

A student has to prepare the presentation: „Urinary tract infections (UTIs)”.

Source of knowledge:


The presentation should consist of:

1. Definition

  • Significant bakteriuria
  • Asymptomatic bakteriuria
  • Uncomplicated UTI
  • Complicated UTI
  • Recurrent UTI

- Relapse of UTI

- Relapse of UTI

2. Etiology and Pathogenesis

- Risk factors for developing a complicated course of UTI

- Etiologic agents: bacteria, microorganisms undetectable using standard methods, fungi

3. Diagnostic Tests

- Urinalysis:

- Urine culture

- Other diagnostic tests

4. Prevention

- Nonpharmacologic Prevention

- Pharmacologic Prevention – drugs with doses!

5. Clinical Features And Natural History

- General symptoms

- Manifestations

a. Uncomplicated Cystitis


- Clinical Features And Diagnosis

- Treatment – drugs with doses!

b. Recurrent Cystitis in Women


- Clinical Features And Diagnosis

- Treatment

c. Uncomplicated Acute Pyelonephritis


- Definition, Clinical Features, Diagnosis

- Treatment - drugs with doses!

d. Complicated Urinary Tract Infection


- Clinical Features And Diagnosis

- Treatment

e. Asymptomatic Bacteriuria


- Diagnosis

- Treatment


3) Atrial fibrillation

All students should be familiar with the basic problems connected with atrial fibrillation.

A student has to prepare the presentation: Atrial fibrillation.

Source of knowledge:





The presentation should consist of:

1. Practise essentials

2. Etiology

3. Epidemiology

4. Atrial fibrillation classification

5. Signs and symptoms

6. Stroke risk assessment

7. Bleeding risk assessment

8. Atrial  fibrillation treatment and management


4) Complications of diabetes mellitus

All students should be familiar with the basic problems connected with complications of diabetes mellitus.
The student has to prepare the presentation: Complications of diabetes mellitus.

Sources of knowledge:


Volume 45 Issue Supplement_1 | Diabetes Care | American Diabetes Association (diabetesjournals.org)

2022 Guidelines on the management of patients with diabetes. A position of Diabetes Poland (currenttopicsindiabetes.com)

The presentation should consist of:

1. Acute Complications of Diabetes Mellitus

  • Diabetic Ketoacidosis (Definition, Etiology, Pathogenesis, Clinical Features, Diagnosis, Treatment, Complications)
  • Drug-Induced Hypoglycemia (Definition, Etiology, Clinical Features, Diagnosis, Treatment)
  • Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar State (Definition, Etiology, Pathogenesis, Clinical Features, Diagnosis, Treatment, Complications)
  • Lactic Acidosis (Definition, Etiology, Pathogenesis, Clinical Features, Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention)

2. Chronic Complications of Diabetes Mellitus

  • Diabetic Foot Syndrome (Etiology, Pathogenesis, Clinical Features, Diagnosis, Treatment)
  • Diabetic Kidney Disease
  • Diabetic Neuropathy (Etiology, Pathogenesis, Clinical Features, Treatment)
  • Diabetic Retinopathy (Etiology, Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention)


5) Management of diabetes in some specific groups of patients

All students should be familiar with the basic problems connected with complications of diabetes mellitus.
The student has to preapare the presentation: Management of diabetes in some specific groups of patients.

Sources of knowledge:

Volume 45 Issue Supplement_1 | Diabetes Care | American Diabetes Association (diabetesjournals.org)

2022 Guidelines on the management of patients with diabetes. A position of Diabetes Poland (currenttopicsindiabetes.com)

The student should present the following issues:

1. Diabetes in children and adolescents.

2. Diabetes and pregnancy.

3. Diabetes in the elderly.

4. Management of:

- obesity in diabetic patients,

- hypertension in diabetic patients,

- dyslipidemia in diabetic patients,

- ischemic heart disease in diabetic patients,

- acute coronary syndromes in diabetic patients,

- stroke in diabetic patients.


6) Liver cirrhosis

All students should be familiar with the basic problems connected with liver and pancreatic diseases.

A student has to prepare the presentation: Liver cirrhosis.

Source of knowledge:







The presentation should consist of:

- definition

- etiology and pathogenesis

- signs and symptoms

- classification

- diagnostic methods (non-invasive and invasive)

- treatment (including liver transplantation)

- complications (+ varices and variceal hemorrhage)

- prevention

Dane kontaktowe

Klinika Chorób Wewnętrznych i Metabolicznych

Katedry Chorób Wewnętrznych

Wydział Nauk o Zdrowiu w Katowicach

Śląski Uniwersytet Medyczny w Katowicach

Kierownik: prof. dr hab. n. med. Jan Duława


ul. Ziołowa 45/47
40-635 Katowice

tel. (32) 2523593